Embracing Life’s Messiness: A Path to Eliminating Perfectionism

The pursuit of perfection often feels like an inevitable part of life. From striving for flawless work presentations to maintaining appearances with friends, the pressure to be perfect surrounds us.

Perfectionism, while often portrayed as a desirable trait, can actually hinder progress and innovation. The fear of making mistakes or falling short of expectations can prevent us from taking risks and exploring new possibilities. This fear of failure creates a vicious cycle of procrastination and avoidance, ultimately stunting personal and professional development.

Love Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Every sappy romantic can recall the moment in the movie, Love Story, when after an argument, Oliver told Jenny he was sorry and through her tears she quivered and replied, “Don’t … love means never having to say you’re sorry”. Anyone who has ever been in a loving relationship understands the point of that statement – unconditional love doesn’t require one to apologize. But, is it really a good practice to forego an admission of wrongdoing or hurtful behavior?